Why Study Chinese?
Successful student Heading link

Congratulations to Bilqees for getting the prestigious Gilman award to to study in Taiwan!
Chinese 102 Chinatown Project Heading link
Above is an example of student presentation as part of a Chinatown excursion project in Chinese 102 (Spring 2017). Students explored Chinatown and used photos and texts to document their field visit. Instructor was Duosi Meng. Special thanks to Brian Goberling, Zhen Huang, and Emoonah McClerkin for giving consent to using their work to show the elements of a good presentation. 谢谢!
Chinese 102 Skit Heading link
Above is a video skit created by students in Chinese 102, Spring 2010. Special thanks to Riley Wong, Benjamin Tam and Angie Moon who created/acted this skit. Instructor was Fiona Liu.