Gregory Matoesian, PhD
Department of Criminology, Law and Justice
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(312) 996-7971
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Dr. Matoesian is a sociolinguist who examines the integration of language and gesture in the construction and co-construction of legal context. His work demonstrates how macro-structures of space-time inhere in the microcosmic features of what Erving Goffman called "the interaction order." He is the author of numerous publications on language and law including Reproducing Rape: Domination Through Talk in the Courtroom (U. of Chicago Press, 1993), Law and the Language of Identity (Oxford U. Press 2016), and Multimodal Conduct in the Law (with Kristin Gilbert, Cambridge U. Press 2018). He is currently (with Kristin Gilbert) completing a sociocultural and multimodal analysis of focus group evaluations of community policing training.