Xinyang Yu
Chinese Tutor
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Hello everyone! I am currently a junior in UIC, majoring in Graphic Design with a minor in Computer Science. My hobbies include drawing and skating, and I hail from the beautiful and cold province of Liaoning in China. Mandarin is my first language, with English as my second. I communicate daily with my friends and family in Mandarin, immersing myself deeply in Chinese culture. This is my first opportunity to host Teatime, and I plan to use my enthusiasm to share and spread Chinese culture. I am also eager to assist anyone who wishes to learn more about it.
大家好, 我目前是一个大三学生,我的专业是平面设计, 辅修计算机科学。我平常的兴趣爱好是绘画和滑冰。我来自中国辽宁,那是一个很美丽的地方冬天非常的寒冷。我的第一语言是中文第二语言是英文。平时我会与我的父母和朋友们用中文交流,因此我非常融入和熟知中国文化。这是我第一次有机会当Teatime的主持人,我将用我的热情来传播中国文化,我也很乐于帮助想要学习中国文化的大家。