Minor in Chinese
Chinese Minor is an excellent asset to your academic portfolio, a credential indicating your proficiency in Chinese and knowledge of the Chinese culture and society. If you have received grade B or above in Chinese 103 or have obtained CHIN103 credits via AP, IB, the placement test or other recognized equivalent, you are ready to declare the minor.
Chinese Minor Requirements Heading link

Prerequisite: Grade B or better in CHIN 103 or its equivalent
Requirements (16 credits total)
3 required courses
CHIN104 Intermediate Chinese II
CHIN200 Advanced Communication in Chinese
CHIN/GLAS 209 Advanced Chinese Language and Culture
2 selective from the following list
CHIN300 Special Topics in Advanced Chinese Skills (This topics course can be taken twice if the topics are different)
CHIN/LING 330 A Linguistic Introduction to Chinese
POLS231/GLAS231 Politics and Society of China
HIST 109/GLAS 109—East Asian Civilization: Ancient China
HIST 271/GLAS 271—Late Imperial China: 1500 to 1911
HIST/GLAS 272—China Since 1911